Tree Movers, Inc.

--I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.........................................


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Tree Care

  • Watering: 

    • Be sure to give transplanted trees plenty of water for at least the first one to two years, especially during the hot, dry season

  • Pruning:

    • After a move it is recommended to prune up to 20% of the trees branches.  On a pine or spruce, just cutting the bottom row is usually enough.  On small trees where there are no damaged roots, pruning is not necessary.

  • Staking:     Note - If the tree needs staking, it is only recommended for one growing season

    • It is best to use three stakes 120° apart

    • Thread each rope through a piece of old garden hose or similar item as long as needed to protect the tree

    • Then, loop the rope around the tree (preferably above a branch)



  • Tie the ends of the rope together around the base of the stake.



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